
Countryman I2 Violin Mount (I2VIOLINMOUNT)

for violin and violas

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One I2 Violin Mount

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    The Countryman l2 Violin and Viola Mount holds gently and securely, providing vibration damping and ideal microphone positioning on violins and violas.

Specifications for the Countryman I2 Violin Mount

{ "Frequency Response" : { "Omnidirectional" : " 20 Hz to 20 kHz", "Directional" : " 50 Hz to 20 kHz" }, "Overload Sound Level" : "150 dB SPL at 1% THD", "Ouput Impedance" : "600 Ohms +/- 2% balanced, transformerless. Will drive load impedance without distortion at full rated SPL.", "Equivalent Acoustic Noise" : { "Omnidirectional" : " 25 dBA", "Directional" : " 29 dBA" }, "Power Requirements" : "6V to 50V Phantom at 4mA. Voltage below 24V wil result in reduced overload SPL.", "Sensitivity" : "1.4 mV/Pascal", "Dimensions" : "9/32" x 7/16" x 5/32" (7mm x 10.5mm x 3.5mm) excluding cable strain relief." }

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