Portable Possibilities Ideas to Help You Get The Most Out of Your Portable Sound Gear
Below are some practical ideas to think about when putting together a portable sound system.
Case It
House as much of your equipment as possible in quality, properly fitted road cases to protect your investment. Current construction technology has made cases very tough, lightweight and affordable. Many models have wheels and well-placed handles making them easier and safer to transport. Cases and bags are available for virtually any piece of equipment you can imagine, from sound gear to musical instruments, lighting and video. Examples of popular cases are those that house 19” rack rails for mounting mixers, amps, processors, etc., and have enough room for cables and connectors. These rack cases usually include removable front and rear doors providing easy access to equipment for control and patching. Some are even pre-fitted with AC power for added convenience. Lockable rack drawers or
shelves can be added to the racks to house mics, batteries, cables and accessories. Some equipment, such as mixers, are fitted with their own covers so no additional cases are required. Take the time and the modest initial expense and you will realize much longer life and performance from your portable gear. CCI Solutions representatives can help you find the right protective housing for all your portable sound and video gear just ask us.
Label It
Identify your equipment with labels wherever possible. It is not unusual for your equipment to get mixed with gear belonging to others, and you want an easy way to identify which cords, mics, stands, etc. go back with you when an event is over. Make matching labels for cases and equipment so things get back into their proper place. Catalog your equipment on a sheet mounted inside of cases where possible. Label or color-code connections to facilitate easy set up, especially when you have help from non-technical folks.